Mera Bookkeeping LLC
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Mera Bookkeeping LLC
About US
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Please fill out our QuickBooks Online (QBO) Setup Questionnaire
Business Information
Business Name: *
Industry: *
Business Structure: (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, Corporation, Nonprofit, etc.) *
Business Start Date: *
Primary Products/Services Offered: *
Number of Employees or Contractors: *
Business Location(s): *
What are the short-term financial goals of your business? (Examples: Increase revenue, manage cash flow, reduce expenses) *
What are your long-term financial goals? (Examples: Expansion, improve profitability, secure investments) *
How often would you like to review financial reports? (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.) *
What key metrics do you want to track? (Examples: Net income, profit margins, cash flow, sales trends) *
What are your primary revenue sources? *
Do you have multiple income streams that need to be tracked separately? *
Do you use invoices for customers? *
Do you require deposits or retainers from customers? *
Do you need to track sales tax? If yes, which tax jurisdictions apply? *
What are your primary expense categories? *
Do you work with multiple vendors or suppliers? *
Do you need to track bills and accounts payable? *
Do you use credit cards, loans, or lines of credit for business expenses? *
How many bank accounts does the business have? *
Do you have any credit card accounts that need to be linked? *
Do you use payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe, or Square? *
Do you need to track inventory? If yes, what inventory system do you currently use? *
Do you manage fixed assets? If yes, how would you like to track depreciation? *
Do you need job costing or project tracking? *
Do you need class or location tracking? *
Do you require custom reports or dashboards? If yes, which ones? *
Do you process payroll? *
Do you use a third-party payroll provider? *
Do you need to track time for employees or contractors? *
Do you need assistance with sales tax setup? *
Do you need help with Form 1099 preparation? *
Do you file income taxes as part of your business operations? *
Do you use any third-party apps or tools that should integrate with QuickBooks? Examples: Shopify, CRM systems, expense management tools *
Do you need help setting up automation for recurring tasks? *
What is your preferred method of communication for financial updates or questions? *
Are there any specific pain points in your current financial process? *
Do you have any preferences or concerns regarding security or access levels for your financial data? *
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